A system view that returns information about the external storage objects in the instance.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
external_storage_id | bigint | Unique ID of the external storage object. |
name | text | Name of the external storage object. |
owner_id | bigint | Unique ID of the user who owns the external storage object. Join key for sys.user and sys.role . |
type | text | Type of external storage. Currently, only S3 is supported. |
endpoint | text | Endpoint URI for object storage. |
region | text | Name of an AWS S3 region. |
identity | text | Access key ID for S3 endpoints, or a storage account name for Azure endpoints. |
credential | text(12) | Credential for accessing object storage, if specified, such as a secret key or a SAS token. Always displayed as ********. |
creation_time | timestamptz | When the external storage object was created. |
modify_time | timestamptz | This value is currently the same as creation_time because external storage objects cannot be modified. |
premdb=# select external_storage_id, name, type, region, identity, creation_time
from sys.external_storage where name='premdbs3' or name='sf10000';
external_storage_id | name | type | region | identity | creation_time
16402 | sf10000 | s3 | us-east-1 | AKIA4JMEBK6CTP7MB4FZ | 2022-05-31 01:23:57.480927-07
137327 | premdbs3 | s3 | us-west-2 | | 2022-06-14 11:58:22.073316-07
(2 rows)