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A system view that returns information about the external storage objects in the instance.

Column NameData TypeDescription
external_storage_idbigintUnique ID of the external storage object.
nametextName of the external storage object.
owner_idbigintUnique ID of the user who owns the external storage object. Join key for sys.user and sys.role.
typetextType of external storage. Currently, only S3 is supported.
endpointtextEndpoint URI for object storage.
regiontextName of an AWS S3 region.
identitytextAccess key ID for S3 endpoints, or a storage account name for Azure endpoints.
credentialtext(12)Credential for accessing object storage, if specified, such as a secret key or a SAS token. Always displayed as ********.
creation_timetimestamptzWhen the external storage object was created.
modify_timetimestamptzThis value is currently the same as creation_time because external storage objects cannot be modified.


premdb=# select external_storage_id, name, type, region, identity, creation_time
 from sys.external_storage where name='premdbs3' or name='sf10000';
 external_storage_id |   name   | type |  region   |       identity       |         creation_time         
              16402 | sf10000  |  s3  | us-east-1 | AKIA4JMEBK6CTP7MB4FZ | 2022-05-31 01:23:57.480927-07 
             137327 | premdbs3 |  s3  | us-west-2 |                      | 2022-06-14 11:58:22.073316-07 
(2 rows)