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Automatic Uploads and Downloads

Yellowbrick contains functionality to automatically upload metering data to a central Yellowbrick Metering Service. If you're making use of on-demand billing with Yellowbrick, you'll need to send us your usage metering data periodically so that we can calculate your bill. Alternatively, if you're working in a highly secure network where Yellowbrick is air-gapped from the internet, you can manually download metering data to e-mail to us.

Automatic Uploads

The easiest way to send metering data to Yellowbrick is to allow your Yellowbrick platform to do so automatically. In order to configure this, open Yellowbrick Manager and navigate to Configuration → Usage Metering.

Choose Enable Automatic Usage Metering Upload to enable automatic uploads. Your Yellowbrick platform will try to upload the metering data hourly. The data volume is typically tiny, measured in kilobytes not megabytes.

You'll need to make sure you allow outbound traffic to on port 443, otherwise the uploads will fail.

Manual Downloads

If your Yellowbrick installation is in an air-gapped network where it can't access the internet, you can also download metering data and e-mail it to us. The downloads will be larger than the automatic uploads, since we include a longer timeframe, but will still be small enough to e-mail. You can download a day at a time or all historic data.

To download metering data, open Yellowbrick Manager and navigate to Configuration → Usage Metering. Choose which timeframe to download, then e-mail attaching the downloaded archive.