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This system view returns a list of available hardware instance types.

Column NameData TypeDescription
hardware_instance_type_iduuidUUID for a hardware instance type.
cloud_providervarchar(256)aws in the current release.
cloud_regionvarchar(256)AWS region, such as us-west.
hardware_instance_namevarchar(256)large-v1 or small-v1 in the current release.
provider_namevarchar(256)Provider name for the instance type: i3en.metal or m5dn.4xlarge.
ram_bytesbigintAmount of RAM allocated to this instance type, in bytes.
vcpu_coresintegerNumber of virtual CPU cores per node.
cpu_coresintegerNumber of CPU cores per node.
storage_size_bytesbigintSize of data storage, in bytes.
is_systembooleanWhether this instance type was created by the system; always true in the current release.


yellowbrick=# select * from sys.hardware_instance_type;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+-------------------------------------
hardware_instance_type_id | b7da0afd-2c98-4f57-888d-98a51975a412
cloud_provider            | aws
cloud_region              | us-west
hardware_instance_name    | large-v1
provider_name             | i3en.metal
ram_bytes                 | 793495207936
vcpu_cores                | 95
cpu_cores                 | 48
network_access            | accel_udp
storage_access            | accel_nvme
storage_size_bytes        | 68169720922112
is_system                 | t
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------+-------------------------------------
hardware_instance_type_id | f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3
cloud_provider            | aws
cloud_region              | us-west
hardware_instance_name    | small-v1
provider_name             | m5dn.4xlarge
ram_bytes                 | 57982058496
vcpu_cores                | 15
cpu_cores                 | 8
network_access            | accel_udp
storage_access            | accel_nvme
storage_size_bytes        | 644245094400
is_system                 | t