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This view captures information about remote servers that have been created for database replication. See also CREATE REMOTE SERVER.

Column NameData TypeDescription
remote_server_idbigintUnique ID for the remote server.
namevarchar(256)User-defined name for the remote server object.
hostvarchar(256)Host name of the remote server (the target system).
portintegerDatabase port on the remote server. Default is 5432.
control_portintegerNULL. (Refers to JDBC control port on the remote server.)
no_hostname_checkbooleanWhether strict checking of host names is disabled (true) or enabled (false). The default is false.

For information about Yellowbrick ports, see Opening Network Ports for Clients.

For example:

premdb=# select * from sys.remote_server;
 remote_server_id |       name        |          host        | port | control_port | no_hostname_check 
           16417 | yb100             | | 5432 |       [NULL] | t
           16418 | br_yb_io          |         | 5432 |       [NULL] | t
           16419 | yblocal_checkhost | localhost            | 5432 |       [NULL] | f
(3 rows)