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Column NameData TypeDescription
hardware_instance_type_iduuidUUID for a hardware instance type.
hardware_instance_namevarchar(256)large-v1 or small-v1 in the current release.
max_nodesintegerMaximum number of nodes for this hardware instance type, if a limit is set. -1 indicates no limit. (This value is also defined in sys.hardware_instance_limits.)
current_nodesintegerNumber of nodes assigned to this instance (per instance type). All of the nodes for a given instance must be the same type. The node number is "current" because the instance may be scaled up or down.
online_nodesintegerNumber of nodes currently online for this instance.
available_nodesbigintThe number of available nodes is the remainder of max_nodes - current_nodes.
requested_reserved_nodesintegerNumber of reserved nodes that were requested when the instance was created. See Reserved Nodes.
over_subscribedbooleanWhether the current usage represents an over-subscription of available nodes.


yellowbrick_test=> select * from sys.hardware_instance_usage;
     hardware_instance_type_id       | hardware_instance_name | max_nodes | current_nodes | online_nodes | available_nodes | requested_reserved_nodes | over_subscribed 
 9ae12f61-a18f-43b4-9e4d-180e8ed0611a | small-v1               |        -1 |             2 |           10 |              -3 |                       -1 | t
 e1e22106-487a-4603-850e-07708222948a | large-v1               |        -1 |             0 |              |              -1 |                       -1 | f
(2 rows)