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This view captures system-level errors that are logged on the appliance. This view does not capture SQL errors.

Column NameData TypeDescription
event_iduuidUnique event ID for the error.
event_timetimestamptzTimestamp when the event (error) occurred.
query_idbigintUnique query ID, if any was associated with this error.
acknowledgedbooleanWhether the user has acknowledged the event on the SMC System Events screen, where this data is also visible.
error_codetextInternal error code.
error_msgtextText of the error message.


yellowbrick=# select * from sys.log_error where error_code !='system';
              event_id               |         event_time         | query_id | acknowledged |                     error_code                      |                       error_msg                       
 0194213f-f847-46ec-b97a-cce8b392ea98 | 2017-06-13 17:08:33.58-07  |          | f            | MEMORY||memory|used_percent | used_percent exceeds threshold 50.0 (52.52)
 3571ce6e-dbe0-4aac-988e-a5e4e63d6939 | 2017-06-14 19:58:58.972-07 |          | f            | connection factory                                  | Connection to postgres was lost and has been restored
 fd64a358-4e6a-4efd-9946-d3ed26247717 | 2017-06-14 20:13:38.975-07 |          | f            | connection factory                                  | Connection to postgres was lost and has been restored
(3 rows)