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Delete Resources

You can delete the instance and its associated resources by following the steps given below:

  1. Launch the Instances
  • In the AWS Management Console, search for instances in the services search bar and select Instances.
  1. Stop the Instance
  • If the instance is still running, you may stop it before terminating:

    • Right-click on the instance or select it, then choose Instance state > Stop instance. alt text

    • Wait until the instance shows the stopped status.

    • Confirm the stoppage in the prompt that appears.

  1. Terminate the Instance
  • Once the instance is stopped (or even if it is running), you can terminate it:

  • Right-click on the instance or select it, then click Instance state > Terminate instance. alt text

  • Confirm the termination in the prompt that appears.

  • The instance status will change to shutting down, and after a few minutes, it will change to terminated. alt text

Note: Even after terminating an instance, some associated resources (like data storage) may still incur charges. Ensure that you delete or stop any other services you don’t need. Monitor your Billing and Cost Management dashboard to ensure no unexpected charges appear.

  1. Check for Associated Resources
  • Deleting the instance does not automatically remove resources like stack, volume, and S3 bucket. You may want to manually delete these if no longer needed:
  • Stack: Go to the Cloudformation > stack and delete the stack. alt text
  • Volume: Go to the Volumes. Right-click on the volume or select it, then click Actions > Delete volume. alt text
  • S3: Go to the S3 and delete the s3 bucket. alt text