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Comparison Operators

Yellowbrick supports the following comparison operators. See also SQL Conditions.

<Less than
>Greater than
<=Less than or equal to
>=Greater than or equal to
=Equal to
<> or !=Not equal to
BETWEEN, NOT BETWEENComparison with an inclusive range of values. BETWEEN SYMMETRIC is also supported.
IS NULL, IS NOT NULLComparison with null values. ISNULL and NOTNULL synonyms are also supported. See also ISNULL.
IS TRUE, IS NOT TRUEComparison with Boolean values
IS FALSE, IS NOT FALSEComparison with Boolean values
IS UNKNOWN, IS NOT UNKNOWNComparison with Boolean values (finds null values in Boolean columns)
IS DISTINCT FROM, IS NOT DISTINCT FROMIdentical to != or = when neither of the inputs is null. These operators treat null as a normal data value, not as "unknown."IS DISTINCT FROM returns false when both inputs are null and returns true when one of the inputs is null. IS NOT DISTINCT FROM returns true when both inputs are null and returns false when one of the inputs is null.


premdb=# select * from season where winners is null;
 seasonid | season_name | numteams | winners 
      25 | 2016-2017   |       20 | 
(1 row)
premdb=# select * from team where avg_att >=50;
 teamid | htid | atid |       name        |  nickname  |    city    |     stadium      | capacity | avg_att 
     1 |    2 |   51 | Arsenal           | Gunners    | London     | Emirates Stadium |    60260 |  59.944
    24 |   25 |   74 | Manchester City   | Citizens   | Manchester | Etihad Stadium   |    55097 |  54.041
    25 |   26 |   75 | Manchester United | Red Devils | Manchester | Old Trafford     |    75635 |  75.286
(3 rows)
premdb=# select * from season where seasonid is not distinct from 1;
 seasonid | season_name | numteams |      winners      
       1 | 1992-1993   |       22 | Manchester United
(1 row)