Setting Up Loopback Replication
Loopback replication is the process of replicating to a local database, a database with an alias that resides on the same system as the source database.
Although only one system is being used for replication, you still need to configure SSL trust.
Follow these steps to set up loopback replication:
Configure SSL trust. See Configuring SSL Trust.
Create a remote server but specify
in the command. For example:
premdb=# create remote server yb100local with (host 'localhost', nohostnamecheck true);
Query the sys.remote_server
system view to check the definition of the new remote server:
premdb=# select * from sys.remote_server;
remote_server_id | name | host | port | control_port | no_hostname_check
16419 | yb100local | localhost | 5432 | [NULL] | t
(1 row)
If you are using the default self-signed certificate from the cluster or changing the properties of an existing remote server, see CREATE REMOTE SERVER.
- Create a replica and use the
option to name the target database on the local system. If this database already exists, it must be empty and inHOT_STANDBY
mode. If it does not exist, theADD REPLICA
command creates it. For example:
premdb=# alter database premdb add replica local_premdb_replica to yb100local
with(alias premdb_replica1, frequency 60);
In this case, the replica database was created and placed in HOT_STANDBY
premdb=# select name, is_hot_standby from sys.database where name = 'premdb_replica1';
name | is_hot_standby
premdb_replica1 | t
(1 row)
See the ALTER DATABASE ADD REPLICA command for details about other options you can set for the replica.
- Start the local replica:
premdb=# alter database premdb alter replica local_premdb_replica start;
Check the sys.replica
system view to make sure replication is running:
premdb=# select name, status, alias from sys.replica;
name | status | alias
local_premdb_replica | RUNNING | premdb_replica1
(1 row)
- Verify that replication has started running successfully and monitor replication cycles by running queries against the sys.replica_status
sys.log_replica_status views.