VAR_SAMP and VAR_POP (window functions)
Given a set of integer, decimal, or floating-point numbers, return the sample variance or population variance, based on a window definition with an optional frame clause. The VAR_SAMP result is equivalent to the squared sample standard deviation of the same set of numbers. VAR_SAMP and VARIANCE are synonyms.
VAR_SAMP | VARIANCE (expression)
VAR_POP (expression)
OVER { window_name | ( [ window_definition ] ) }
The return type is either DOUBLE PRECISION
(for floating-point inputs) or DECIMAL
(for all other inputs).
For the full window_definition
syntax, see Syntax for Window Functions.
For example:
premdb=# select teamid, avg_att,
variance(capacity) over (partition by city order by avg_att rows between 1 preceding and 2 following) as varsamp
from team where avg_att>0 order by 1,2;
teamid | avg_att | varsamp
1 | 59.944 | 172924204.500000
2 | 33.690 | 124583112.500000
8 | 11.189 | [NULL]
13 | 41.500 | 158271771.000000
15 | 24.636 | 29823964.333333
17 | 38.124 | 10219720.500000
22 | 32.201 | [NULL]
23 | 43.910 | 10219720.500000
24 | 54.041 | 210904722.000000
25 | 75.286 | 210904722.000000
27 | 49.754 | [NULL]
28 | 26.972 | [NULL]
36 | 30.751 | [NULL]
37 | 27.534 | [NULL]
38 | 43.071 | [NULL]
39 | 20.711 | [NULL]
41 | 35.776 | 136056716.250000
42 | 20.594 | [NULL]
43 | 24.631 | 124583112.500000
44 | 34.910 | 40788875.000000
(20 rows)
Note: The VARIANCE or VAR_SAMP function for an expression that consists of a single value returns NULL
. The VAR_POP function for an expression that consists of a single value returns 0