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This view returns similar information about queries to the sys.log_query view, but for actively running queries or submitted but not yet executed queries. See the sys.log_query page for column descriptions.

Note: The sys.query view has a blocked column. When a query is blocked, this column shows the reason. The sys.log_query view does not have this column. All other columns in these two views are the same.

User accounts only see the queries they submit. Superuser accounts see all queries.


The following UPDATE query is repeated every second, returning different results as queries progress on the system:

premdb=> select query_id, username, application_name, type, state, substr(query_text,1,25) qrytxt, parse_ms, plan_ms, assemble_ms, compile_ms, run_ms, client_ms, total_ms 
from sys.query where type='update' and username='bobr' 
order by 1 desc;
                                                              Watch every 1s	Thu Sep 10 18:52:16 2020

 query_id | username | application_name |  type  |  state  |          qrytxt           | parse_ms | plan_ms | assemble_ms | compile_ms | run_ms | client_ms | total_ms 
  1141949 | bobr     | ybsql            | update | compile | update newmatchstats set  |    0.528 |   2.475 |      27.465 |    513.597 |        |           |  544.672
(1 row)

                                                              Watch every 1s	Thu Sep 10 18:52:17 2020

 query_id | username | application_name |  type  | state |          qrytxt           | parse_ms | plan_ms | assemble_ms | compile_ms | run_ms  | client_ms | total_ms 
  1141949 | bobr     | ybsql            | update | run   | update newmatchstats set  |    0.528 |   2.475 |      27.465 |   1319.912 | 208.934 |           | 1561.143
(1 row)

                                                              Watch every 1s	Thu Sep 10 18:52:18 2020

 query_id | username | application_name |  type  | state |          qrytxt           | parse_ms | plan_ms | assemble_ms | compile_ms |  run_ms  | client_ms | total_ms 
  1141949 | bobr     | ybsql            | update | run   | update newmatchstats set  |    0.528 |   2.475 |      27.465 |   1319.912 | 1234.473 |           | 2586.683
(1 row)