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This system view returns information about active alerts on the appliance. Alerts with a CLOSED status do not appear in this view. See also sys.log_alert, which maintains an alert history.

Column NameData TypeDescription
alert_idtextA unique UUID string that identifies the alert.
alert_nametextName of the alert, such as Test Alert or Database State.
open_timetimestamptzWhen the alert was opened (first issued).
close_timetimestamptzWhen the alert was closed, which depends on the type of alert. Alerts are closed when their state changes. For example, Database State alerts close when the database comes back ONLINE. Some alerts, such as WLM Rule alerts, are issued then closed immediately (they do not change state).
last_update_timetimestamptzWhen the alert was last updated.
duration_msnumeric(18,3)Length of time, in milliseconds, from when the alert was opened to when it was closed (if closed).
resourcetextThe location or source of the alert, such as a drive, a power supply, or a WLM rule.
severitytextSeverity of the alert: INFORMATIONAL, MINOR, MAJOR, CRITICAL
statustextStatus of the alert: OPEN, CLOSED
statetextState of the resource for the alert, such as offline, error, degraded, stopped.
messagetextWarning or error message associated with the alert.
acknowledgedbooleanWhether the alert has been acknowledged in the SMC (via Manage Cluster Alerts or Manage Query Alerts).
acknowledged_timetimestamptzWhen the alert was acknowledged in the SMC.
acknowledged_bytextThe user who acknowledged the alert in the SMC.
acknowledged_texttextText associated with the acknowledgment, if any.


For example:

yellowbrick_test=# select * from sys.alert;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+---------------------------------------
alert_id          | 4ed3eada-9665-4180-996c-9c7cf684f51c
open_time         | 2018-07-04 01:02:59-07
close_time        | [NULL]
last_update_time  | 2018-07-10 19:17:47-07
duration_ms       | 584695178.636
resource          | CLUSTER_MANAGER|Cluster Manager|status
severity          | MAJOR
status            | OPEN
state             | stopped
message           | status is in stopped
acknowledged      | t
acknowledged_time | 2018-07-10 19:17:47.896-07
acknowledged_by   | yellowbrick
acknowledged_text |