This system view logs information about completed bulk load (ybload
) operations. The sys.load
view contains the same information for ybload
operations that are in progress.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
session_key | text | Unique authentication key for the ybload operation. This is different from the session ID, which is the ID tracked for the user session in the sys.session and sys.log_session views. (A unique query ID is not assigned until the bulk load transaction is executed.) |
state | text | State of the load operation, such as STARTING , DONE , or ERROR . |
error_string | text | Error message for a failed load. |
table_id | bigint | The unique ID for the table. Tables in different schemas within the same database may have the same name, so you can use this ID to uniquely identify a table. |
schema_id | bigint | Unique ID of the schema that contains the table being loaded. |
database_id | bigint | Unique ID of the database that contains the table being loaded. |
user_id | bigint | Unique ID of the user who ran the ybload command. |
session_id | bigint | Session ID; foreign key to the sys.session and sys.log_session views. |
table_name | text | Name of the table being loaded. |
schema_name | text | Name of the schema that the table belongs to. |
database_name | text | Name of the database that the table belongs to. |
username | text | Name of the user who ran the ybload command. |
client_hostname | text | Host name of the client system where the load was started. |
client_username | text | Client OS user running the ybload command. |
start_time | timestamptz | When the ybload command started running. |
end_time | timestamptz | When the ybload command completed its execution. |
elapsed_ms | decimal(18,3) | Duration of the load, in milliseconds. |
remaining_ms | decimal(18,3) | Estimated number of milliseconds remaining to complete the load. (This value is always 0.0 for completed loads in this view.) |
transaction_first | bigint | First transaction ID for the load. Bulk load operations may be split into multiple transactions. |
transaction_last | bigint | Last transaction ID for the load. Bulk load operations may be split into multiple transactions. |
num_transactions | bigint | Total number of transactions for the load operation. |
parsed_rows | bigint | Number of rows that have been parsed. |
parsed_bytes | bigint | Amount of table data read from the source file (in uncompressed bytes). |
parsed_rows_per_second | double precision | Number of rows parsed per second. |
parsed_bytes_per_second | double precision | Amount of table data read from the source file per second (in uncompressed bytes). |
inserted_rows | bigint | The number of rows that were loaded successfully into the table. |
inserted_bytes | bigint | Amount of table data written to the table (in compressed bytes). inserted_bytes may be greater than parsed_bytes , given the overhead of the size of a shard (unit of data storage). |
inserted_rows_per_second | double precision | Number of rows that were loaded successfully per second. |
inserted_bytes_per_second | double precision | Amount of table data written to the table per second, in bytes. |
error_rows | bigint | The number of rows that could not be loaded into the table (see the .bad rows file for details). |
sent_bytes | bigint | Number of bytes transferred over the network during the load. |
sent_bytes_per_second | double precision | Number of bytes transferred per second during the load. |
tags | text | Query tags in the system, as defined with a SET YBD_QUERY_TAGS command. Tags may be logged based on WLM rule processing. NULL if the query received no tags. |
The following example shows information for a load of 26 million rows into the newmatchstats
table. (Expanded ybsql
display is used in this example for readability.)
premdb=# select * from sys.log_load where table_name = 'newmatchstats';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key | A0iOTdPuAXDBlGY_IJcXrFZXoxncCDlG1Spo5477TVa9P-Y9IE8k30FarQ9iCx1e
state | DONE
error_string | [NULL]
table_id | 16496
schema_id | 2200
database_id | 16404
user_id | 16415
session_id | 18913
table_name | newmatchstats
schema_name | public
database_name | premdb
username | bobr
client_hostname | ybload100
client_username | ybuser100
start_time | 2018-03-26 16:42:09.233-07
end_time | 2018-03-26 16:42:16.012-07
elapsed_ms | 6779.000
remaining_ms | 0.000
transaction_first | 179110
transaction_last | 179110
num_transactions | 1
parsed_rows | 25990128
parsed_bytes | 659797724
parsed_rows_per_second | 3820717.46658389
parsed_bytes_per_second | 96994546.8717621
inserted_rows | 25990128
inserted_bytes | 727723568
inserted_rows_per_second | 3833917.66216401
inserted_bytes_per_second | 107349692.180362
error_rows | 0
sent_bytes | 727723568
sent_bytes_per_second | 106980086.712245
premdb=# select count(*) from newmatchstats;
(1 row)
The following example returns the duration, in seconds, of the same load into the same table:
premdb=# select table_id, start_time, end_time, trunc(elapsed_ms/1000,2) as duration, inserted_rows, error_rows, inserted_bytes
from sys.log_load where table_name='newmatchstats' and session_id=18913;
table_id | start_time | end_time | duration | inserted_rows | error_rows | inserted_bytes
16496 | 2018-03-26 16:42:09.233-07 | 2018-03-26 16:42:16.012-07 | 6.77 | 25990128 | 0 | 727723568
(1 row)