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ybrestore Commands

Each ybrestore command defines:

  • Database connection options
  • The target database
  • A table name (for single-table restores only)
  • The backup chain and directory to restore from
  • The restore point, which can be expressed in several different ways
  • Other options, such as logging parameters and whether to restore users and roles

You must run the ybrestore tool as a superuser.

Only completed backups can be restored. You cannot restore from a backup that is in progress.

Syntax Summary

--chain backup_chain 
--point restore_point
[ database_connection_options ]
[ other_options ]
[ storage_locations ]

For details about all of the options and their syntax, see ybrestore Options.

To look at your restore history, query the sys.log_restore view.

Ownership of Restored Databases and Permissions on Objects

Users, roles, grants on objects, and ACLs are system-wide objects and attributes; therefore, when you back up and restore a database to a separate system, you may or may not want to re-create them. The backup and restore commands provide an option that helps you maintain the security model that you have put in place for each cluster. For example, you may want to a restore a database to a system that has a different set of users from those on the source system. In this case, re-creating the users and roles that exist on the source system would not be practical.

If you are using LDAP authentication and synchronization, you can also set a restore option that requires the restored database to honor this configuration.