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This view captures information about active bulk load (ybload) operations. The sys.load and sys.log_load views contain the same columns. See sys.log_load for details. Note that the end_time column for an active load displays the same timestamp as the start_time column.


How many rows per second are being loaded into table 16496?

premdb=# select table_id, inserted_rows, inserted_rows_per_second from sys.load;
 table_id | inserted_rows | inserted_rows_per_second 
   16435 |      25990128 |                4464890.5
(1 row)

The following example uses the ybsql \watch command to poll the view every 5 seconds as a load is progressing. The results are displayed in ybsql expanded mode for readability.

premdb=# select * from sys.load;
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key               | C557WQQ6MK72T-sGpavzoStA_iUOYG7WmYugI5jmn70oKSvEiU-SYTifUo9_VCxU
state                     | RUNNING
error_string              | [NULL]
table_id                  | 16435
schema_id                 | 2200
database_id               | 16423
user_id                   | 16434
session_id                | 16747
table_name                | newmatchstats
schema_name               | public
database_name             | premdb
username                  | bobr
client_hostname           | brumsby
client_username           | brumsby
start_time                | 2018-05-02 16:14:50-07
last_activity_time        | 2018-05-02 16:14:50-07
elapsed_ms                | 2604.000
remaining_ms              | 0.000
transaction_first         | 45637
transaction_last          | 45637
num_transactions          | 1
parsed_rows               | 0
parsed_bytes              | 0
parsed_rows_per_second    | 0
parsed_bytes_per_second   | 0
inserted_rows             | 27421
inserted_bytes            | 1048376
inserted_rows_per_second  | 10530.337891
inserted_bytes_per_second | 402602.15625
error_rows                | 0
sent_bytes                | 0
sent_bytes_per_second     | [NULL]

Watch every 5s	Wed May  2 16:14:58 2018
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
session_key               | C557WQQ6MK72T-sGpavzoStA_iUOYG7WmYugI5jmn70oKSvEiU-SYTifUo9_VCxU
state                     | DONE
error_string              | [NULL]
table_id                  | 16435
schema_id                 | 2200
database_id               | 16423
user_id                   | 16434
session_id                | 16747
table_name                | newmatchstats
schema_name               | public
database_name             | premdb
username                  | bobr
client_hostname           | brumsby
client_username           | brumsby
start_time                | 2018-05-02 16:14:50-07
last_activity_time        | 2018-05-02 16:14:56-07
elapsed_ms                | 5873.012
remaining_ms              | 0.000
transaction_first         | 45637
transaction_last          | 45637
num_transactions          | 1
parsed_rows               | 25990128
parsed_bytes              | 659797724
parsed_rows_per_second    | 4425349
parsed_bytes_per_second   | 112344008
inserted_rows             | 25990128
inserted_bytes            | 727723568
inserted_rows_per_second  | 4286678
inserted_bytes_per_second | 120026976
error_rows                | 0
sent_bytes                | 727723568
sent_bytes_per_second     | [NULL]

Watch every 5s	Wed May  2 16:15:03 2018
