Return information about views and the tables they depend on.
This function returns a six-column result set, with the name of the view, its schema, and its database, followed by each table that the view depends on, its schema, and its database.
For example, the view join_all_tables
depends on five tables, and the view vteam
depends only on the team
premdb=# select * from yb_get_view_table_usage() where view_database='premdb';
view_database | view_schema | view_name | table_database | table_schema | table_name
premdb | public | join_all_tables | premdb | public | season
premdb | public | join_all_tables | premdb | public | team
premdb | public | join_all_tables | premdb | public | hometeam
premdb | public | join_all_tables | premdb | public | awayteam
premdb | public | join_all_tables | premdb | public | match
premdb | public | vteam | premdb | public | team
(6 rows)
In this example, the function returns a view and a table that have the same name and database but different schemas:
premdb=# create view premdb.bobr.season as select * from premdb.public.season;
premdb=# select * from yb_get_view_table_usage() where view_name=table_name;
view_database | view_schema | view_name | table_database | table_schema | table_name
premdb | bobr | season | premdb | public | season
(1 row)
Note: You cannot create views and tables that store the results of this function.