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The dim.hardware_instance_type contains row per hardware instance that has been used in any cluster.

Column NameData TypeDescriptionExample
hardware_instance_type_skBIGINTA sequencer generated unique ID for hardware instance type.7168
hardware_instance_type_idUUIDThe UUID of the hardware instance type.3166615f-fe48-4d82-882b-8300dc963a4e
nameVARCHARThe YB name for the instance.small-v1
provider_nameVARCHARThe name as used by the cloud providers.Standard_L16s_v3
providerVARCHARWhich cloud provider?azure
regionVARCHARWhich cloud region is the instance type in?east-us
valid_fromTIMESTAMPTZThe validity start date of the record as per the timestamp at the source system.2023-12-19T11:05:31.164920Z
metering_runTIMESTAMPTZThe metering run (one per hour) that created the record.2023-12-19T11:05:31.164920Z