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The fact.top_query allows a user to query for top 100 queries that ran across multiple billing runs and see the queries in each of them.

The query date/time columns are taken from submit_time in sys.log_query if

  • the query has completed running when the metering runs.
  • the submit time is larger than the last metering date.

However, if the query ran for more than an hour (over multiple extraction times), then the date/time of the metering_run will be considered.

Column NameData TypeDescriptionExample
metering_runTIMESTAMPTZThe date time at which metering begins.2023-12-21T05:50:12.650643Z
datetime_startTIMESTAMPTZThe submit_time of the query. Mapped via sys.log_query.22528
query_skBIGINTA sequencer generated unique ID for each query. Foreign key to dim.query.153600
user_skBIGINTA sequencer generated unique ID for each user. Foreign key to dim.user. Mapped via username column in sys.log_query.22528
cluster_skBIGINTA sequencer generated unique ID for each cluster. Foreign key to sys.dim_cluster pointing to the actual config of the cluster. Mapped to the surrogate key via the newly introduced cluster_id column in sys.log_query.25600
client_skBIGINTA sequencer generated unique ID for each client. Foreign key to sys.dim_client. Mapped via client_ip which is found via multiple joins to sys.session and session_id in sys.log_query1024
application_skBIGINTA sequencer generated unique ID for each application. Foreign key to sys.dim_application. Mapped via application_name in sys.log_query.108544
vcpu_estimate_secondsBIGINTThe total vcpu_seconds consumed while executing the query.306112
query_idBIGINTThe query id as per the entry logged in sys.log_query or sys.query.4707296