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Azure Blob Storage URIs

The ybload client supports several patterns for Azure Blob storage URIs. All of these patterns identify the location of the source data for a bulk load operation. An Azure container (like an S3 bucket) contains one or more "blobs" or "keys." From the point of view of a ybload operation, a blob is effectively a source file. Blobs are stored in "containers."

URI PatternLoadsExample


All blobs in the container


Current version of the named blob


Specific snapshot (version) of the named blob


All blobs that match the prefix

A valid URI must not contain a space character unless it is encoded with the %20 escape sequence. For example, if you upload a season.csv source file into a folder named premdb/new files, the following URI will work:


You can specify multiple URIs on the ybload command line if you want to identify multiple source files explicitly. However, the sources must belong to the same storage account.

URI Parameters

As an alternative to specifying ybload --object-store options, you can specify the Azure configuration in the form of URI parameters. To use a URI parameter, drop the --object-store- prefix from the ybload option name. For example, the --object-store-endpoint option is specified in the following URI as endpoint=:


Note: If you provide multiple source URIs in a single ybload command, only the first URI will be checked for configuration options.