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This system view returns the history of operations on clusters, such as suspend and resume events.

Column NameData TypeDescription
cluster_iduuidUUID for the cluster.
cluster_namenameUnique name of the cluster.
event_timetimestamptzWhen the operation on the cluster occurred.
user_idbigintID of the user account running the operation (0 for system account).
old_nodessmallintNumber of nodes before the event.
new_nodessmallintNumber of nodes after the event.
old_hardware_instanceuuidUUID of the instance before the event.
new_hardware_instanceuuidUUID of the instance after the event.
typetextAlways COMPUTE.
event_actiontextWhat state the cluster was put in: suspended, resumed, created.
usernametextUser account running the operation (can be system if system-driven).


yellowbrick=# select * from sys.log_cluster_event where cluster_name like 'small%';
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-------------------------------------
cluster_id            | eb9aa671-583c-451a-8267-15ecf2e4a344
cluster_name          | small-2node-cluster
event_time            | 2022-04-20 20:49:31.818+00
user_id               | 16432
old_nodes             | 0
new_nodes             | 2
old_hardware_instance | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
new_hardware_instance | f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3
type                  | COMPUTE
event_action          | created
username              |
-[ RECORD 2 ]---------+-------------------------------------
cluster_id            | eb9aa671-583c-451a-8267-15ecf2e4a344
cluster_name          | small-2node-cluster
event_time            | 2022-04-20 20:57:39.326+00
user_id               | 0
old_nodes             | 0
new_nodes             | 0
old_hardware_instance | f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3
new_hardware_instance | f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3
type                  | COMPUTE
event_action          | suspended
username              | system
-[ RECORD 3 ]---------+-------------------------------------
cluster_id            | eb9aa671-583c-451a-8267-15ecf2e4a344
cluster_name          | small-2node-cluster
event_time            | 2022-04-23 00:57:55.449+00
user_id               | 16432
old_nodes             | 2
new_nodes             | 2
old_hardware_instance | f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3
new_hardware_instance | f43d64aa-828e-42cc-b402-60e008c544a3
type                  | COMPUTE
event_action          | resumed
username              |