Common Environment Variables in ybtools
The following environment variables may be set for Yellowbrick client tools to expedite and simplify database connections. See also ybsql Environment Variables.
Note that the following examples are for Linux platforms. On Windows platforms, omit the export
Environment Variable | Equivalent Options | Description | Example |
YBDATABASE | -d or --dbname | Destination database name. Default: yellowbrick See also SQL Identifiers. | --dbname premdb export YBDATABASE=premdb |
YBHOST | -h or --host | Destination server host name. Default: localhost | -h export |
YBCLUSTER | --cluster | Virtual compute cluster to use. | --cluster "small-default-cluster" export YBCLUSTER=small-default-cluster |
YBPORT | -p or --port | Destination server port number. Default: 5432 | --port 5433 export YBPORT=5433 |
YBUSER | -U or --username | Database login username. The default user is the current OS user on the client system. | -U export |
YBPASSWORD | -W or --password | Interactive prompt for the database user's password. No default. | --password export YBPASSWORD=******** |
YBAUTHISSUER | --auth-issuer | URL of the OAuth/OIDC issuer. | --auth-issuer export YBAUTHISSUER= |
YBAUTHTOKEN | --auth-token | JWT string | --auth-token ************ export YBAUTHTOKEN=************ |
YBCLIENTID | --client-id | Yellowbrick client ID (ybauth ) | --client-id ybauth export YBCLIENTID=ybauth |