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ybcli: config cert

Get status of the current Yellowbrick Data certificate or, if it is self-signed, change the current Yellowbrick Data certificate.

config cert get
config cert create-selfsigned <hostname>

Return the status of the current Yellowbrick Data certificate. For example, if the certificate is self-signed:

YBCLI(46888) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> config cert get

Current certificate's hostname is

For example, if the certificate is not self-signed:

YBCLI(47552) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> config cert get

Certificate is not self-signed. 
Subject's hostname is
Issuer's hostname is ybinit_dev_ca
create-selfsigned <hostname>

Return the status and, if it is self-signed, change the current Yellowbrick Data certificate. For example:

YBCLI(46888) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> config cert create-selfsigned

Current certificate's hostname is

Changing the certificate's hostname requires an update of the system's DNS server so that its IP is referring to the new hostname. 
Are you sure you want to change it (yes/no)? yes

Current certificate's hostname is

Changing the certificate's hostname was successfull. 
You need to update your system's DNS server to reflect your latest hostname change.

If the certificate is not self-signed, you will receive a message informing you that changing the hostname is not possible. For example:

YBCLI(47552) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> config cert create-selfsigned

Certificate is not self-signed. 
Subject's hostname is
Issuer's hostname is ybinit_dev_ca

This certificate does not support changing its hostname.

Attempting to change a self-signed certificate to the hostname already in use will return a message informing you that the desired hostname is already in use. For example:

YBCLI(46888) (PRIMARY - yb97-mgr0)> config cert create-selfsigned

Current certificate's hostname is

Current certificate is already using the desired hostname