Configuration Parameters
The set of parameters documented here is incomplete; it will be extended in subsequent releases.
Configuration Parameters are variables used for controlling the behavior of the database at different levels. The behaviour is inherited directly from PostgreSQL where users are most familiar with changing behaviour by editing the postgresql.conf
file and similar.
Parameters are set at a system level and can be overridden per user or per session. User settings take precedence over system settings, and similarly session settings take place over user settings. All parameter names are case-insensitive. Every parameter takes a value of one of five types: Boolean, integer, floating point, string or enum. Boolean values can be written as on, off, true, false, yes, no, 1, 0 (all case-insensitive) or any unambiguous prefix of these.
Some settings specify a memory or time value. Each of these has an implicit unit, which is either kilobytes, blocks (typically eight kilobytes), milliseconds, seconds, or minutes. Valid memory units are kB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), and GB (gigabytes); valid time units are ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), min (minutes), h (hours), and d (days). Note that the multiplier for memory units is 1024, not 1000.
This section of the documentation details user-settable configuration parameters for Yellowbrick.
Changing parameters globally
Parameters can be changed globally by using the ALTER SYSTEM command and reloading the configuration afterwards.
Changing parameters for users
You can override global settings for specific users by using ALTER ROLE commands. An ALTER ROLE...SET command sets a parameter value for all sessions that are run by the specified user or role.
Changing parameters for sessions
You can override global and user-specific parameters by using SET commands. A SET command sets a parameter value for the current session only. No other sessions are affected.