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A system view that returns information about the system and user-defined views in the database.

Column NameData TypeDescription
view_idbigintUnique ID of the view.
database_idbigintUnique ID of the database where the view was created.
schema_idbigintUnique ID of the schema where the view was created. Join to sys.schema to get the schema name.
namevarchar(255)Name of the view.
owner_idbigintUnique ID of the user who owns the view. Join to sys.user to get the name of the user.
definitiontextSQL text of the view.
is_tempbooleanWhether the view was created as a temporary view (f=persistent; t=temporary).
creation_timetimestamptzWhen the view was created.
database_namevarchar(255)Name of the database where the procedure was created.

This view also returns the system views and views that belong to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA (schema_id 10000).

For example:

premdb=# select sv.schema_id,,, sv.database_name 
from sys.view sv join sys.schema ss on ss.schema_id=sv.schema_id and ss.database_id=sv.database_id 
where database_name='premdb' and view_id>16000 order by 1,2;
 schema_id |  name  |   name    | database_name 
     2200 | public | teamview  | premdb
     2200 | public | matchview | premdb
    16439 | prem   | matchview | premdb
    16439 | prem   | teamview  | premdb
(4 rows)
premdb=# select * from sys.view 
where schema_id=16439 and name='teamview';
 view_id | database_id | schema_id |   name   | owner_id |      definition      | is_temp |        creation_time         | database_name 
   16440 |       16402 |     16439 | teamview |    16007 |  SELECT team.teamid,+| f       | 2020-11-09 14:00:34.63173-08 | premdb
        |             |           |          |          |     team.htid,      +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |     team.atid,      +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |,      +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |     team.nickname,  +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |,      +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |     team.stadium,   +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |     team.capacity,  +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |     team.avg_att    +|         |                              | 
        |             |           |          |          |    FROM team;        |         |                              | 
(1 row)