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Unloading Data to Parquet Files

This section explains how to unload data from Yellowbrick tables in Apache Parquet format (a binary, structured columnar storage format). Apache Parquet format is supported in ybload and ybunload operations. Certain options and parameters that work for flat files are not supported for parquet unloads, and a few options are specific to parquet unloads.

The standard set of Yellowbrick data types are automatically mapped to native and logical parquet data types; you do not need to specify any mapping. However, if you want to load (or reload) parquet data into a Yellowbrick table, you must make sure that the target column names in the table DDL match the names in the parquet schema. You can use parquet-tools to check the schema of parquet files before loading.

The following ybunload options are specific to Parquet unloads:

  • --format parquet: required for all unloads to parquet files. This format must be set in the ybunload command.
  • Some optional Parquet Processing Options. You may need to set or modify some of these options, depending on the specific requirements of the data you are unloading.

Note: If you are unloading data to Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, it must be unloaded in parquet format.