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ybcli: config user

Create a user, delete a user, list all users, or change a user's password:

config user create <username>
config user delete <username>
config user key generate
config user key show
config user list
config user password <username>
config user policy <username>


  • These user accounts are appliance user accounts that can log into the command line interface (CLI) on the manager nodes. They are not Yellowbrick database users.
  • Appliance users are automatically replicated across manager nodes.
  • User passwords criteria:
    • must meet user settable minimum length (default=8 character)
    • must contain at least one uppercase letter
    • must contain at least one lowercase letter
    • must contain at least one number
    • must contain at least one special character
    • must not contain the user name in any form
    • must not reuse previous 4 passwords
    • must not be based on a dictionary word
user create

Create a new appliance user. For example:

YBCLI(32239) (PRIMARY - yb99-mgr1)> config user create bobr

Should the user have full administrator access at the system level?
Note: This will give the user account full access to all parts of the system and is generally not recommended.
Continue (yes/no)? no

Not enabling full administrator access for this user account.

Successfully created user: bobr

Remote manager node

Successfully created user: bobr

Do you want to set a password for this user? This can also be set afterwards with the 'config user password' command
Continue (yes/no)? yes

Password requirements:
- Must be at least 14 characters long
- Must contain at least one uppercase letter
- Must contain at least one lowercase letter
- Must contain at least one number
- Must contain at least one special character
- Must not contain the user name in any form
- Must not reuse previous 4 passwords
- Must not be based on a dictionary word

Enter password for user bobr:
Enter password for user bobr again:

Successfully changed the password for the user bobr on the local manager node

Changing the password on the remote manager node for the user bobr

Successfully changed the password for the user bobr on the remote manager node

Do you want to set the password policy for this user? This can also be set afterwards with the 'config user policy' command
Continue (yes/no)? yes

This command allows setting individual password policies for users on this system

The current values for user bobr are:
   Password expires at:              never
   Password warn time before expire:  never

Do you want to change these values (yes/no)? yes
Please enter the number of days between password change (entering 0 disables this check): 180
Please enter the WARN time reminder (in days) for password changes (entering 0 disables this check): 30
Changing user policy for user bobr

Successfully set the password policy for user bobr

Current values are:
   Password expires at:              Sep 02, 2024
   Password expiration interval:     180 day(s)
   Password warn time before expire: 30 day(s)

Remote manager node

Changing user policy for user bobr

Successfully set the password policy for user bobr

Current values are:
   Password expires at:              Sep 02, 2024
   Password expiration interval:     180 day(s)
   Password warn time before expire: 30 day(s)

YBCLI(32239) (PRIMARY - yb99-mgr1)>
user delete

Delete a user on both manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI(4901) (PRIMARY - yb100-mgr0)> config user delete bobr

Are you sure you want to delete user bobr from the manager nodes?
WARNING: This will delete all the data for this user on both manager nodes
Response (yes/no): yes
Successfully deleted user: bobr

Remote manager node

Successfully deleted user: bobr
user key generate

Generate a new ssh public/private key pair for the current user. If the user is ybdadmin, key-based authentication will be set up between the manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> config user key generate

Are you sure you want to generate a new system key for user ybdadmin?

Type yes to continue: yes

Copying key to remote manager node
Enter current password for the ybdadmin user:
ybdadmin@nnn.nnn.n.n's password:

Created a new ybdadmin key and set up key-based authentication between the manager nodes
user key show

Return the current user's public key.

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> config user key show

The public key for user: ybdadmin
ssh-rsa ...

Remote manager node

The public key for user: ybdadmin
ssh-rsa ...
user list

List the users on the manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI (PRIMARY)> config user list


Remote manager node

user password

Change the password for a user. The change is automatically propogated across both manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI(32239) (PRIMARY - yb99-mgr1)> config user password bobr

Password requirements:
- Must be at least 14 characters long
- Must contain at least one uppercase letter
- Must contain at least one lowercase letter
- Must contain at least one number
- Must contain at least one special character
- Must not contains the user name in any form
- Must not reuse previous 4 passwords
- Must not be based on a dictionary word

Enter password for user bobr:
Enter password for user bobr again:

Successfully changed the password for the user bobr on the local manager node

Changing the password on the remote manager node for the user bobr

Successfully changed the password for the user bobr on the remote manager node
YBCLI(32239) (PRIMARY - yb99-mgr1)>
user policy

Change the policy for password expiration for a user. The change is automatically propogated across both manager nodes. For example:

YBCLI(32239) (PRIMARY - yb99-mgr1)> config user policy bobr

This command allows setting individual password policies for users on this system

The current values for user bobr are:
   Password expires at:              Sep 02, 2024
   Password expiration interval:     180 day(s)
   Password warn time before expire: 30 day(s)

Do you want to change these values (yes/no)? yes
Please enter the number of days between password change (entering 0 disables this check): 180
Please enter the WARN time reminder (in days) for password changes (entering 0 disables this check): 10
Changing user policy for user bobr

Successfully set the password policy for user bobr

Current values are:
   Password expires at:              Sep 02, 2024
   Password expiration interval:     180 day(s)
   Password warn time before expire: 10 day(s)

Remote manager node

Changing user policy for user bobr

Successfully set the password policy for user bobr

Current values are:
   Password expires at:              Sep 02, 2024
   Password expiration interval:     180 day(s)
   Password warn time before expire: 10 day(s)

YBCLI(32239) (PRIMARY - yb99-mgr1)>