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Return aggregated values for the given list of grouping sets and all possible subsets of that list.

GROUP BY CUBE (expression [, ...])

GROUP BY CUBE is a shorthand form of an exhaustive GROUPING SETS list. For example, the following clause:

CUBE(expr1, expr2, expr3)

is evaluated in the same way as:

(expr1, expr2, expr3),
(expr1, expr2),
(expr1, expr3),
(expr2, expr3),

Note that this list includes the empty set ().

Duplicate grouping sets are not allowed.

GROUP BY CUBE queries are limited to a maximum of 7 columns.


The examples in this section are based on the following set of rows in the player table:

premdb=# select * from player;
 playerid | teamid | seasonid | firstname | lastname  | position |    dob     | weekly_wages | avg_mins_per_match | matches_played |     cob     
       1 |      2 |       27 | NULL      | NULL      | NULL     | NULL       |         NULL |               NULL |           NULL | NULL
       2 |     41 |       27 | Harry     | Kane      | F        | 1993-07-28 |       250000 |            84.1567 |           36.1 | England
       3 |     41 |       27 | Harry     | Winks     | M        | 1996-02-02 |        40000 |            72.3412 |           31.2 | England
       4 |     24 |       27 | Kevin     | De Bruyne | M        | 1991-06-28 |       418000 |            86.0981 |           35.3 | Netherlands
       5 |     25 |       27 | Paul      | Pogba     | M        | 1993-03-15 |       378000 |            76.5341 |           29.4 | France
       6 |     25 |       27 | Alexis    | Sanchez   | F        | 1988-12-19 |       410000 |            71.2309 |           31.5 | Chile
       7 |     13 |       27 | Gonzalo   | Higuain   | F        | 1987-12-10 |       352000 |            61.9803 |           26.6 | Argentina
       8 |      1 |       27 | Mesut     | Ozil      | M        | 1988-10-15 |       350000 |            64.4561 |           32.7 | Germany
       9 |     13 |       27 | Eden      | Hazard    | M        | 1991-01-07 |       200000 |            81.2387 |           36.8 | Netherlands
      10 |     24 |       27 | Sergio    | Aguero    | F        | 1988-06-02 |       220000 |            80.0032 |           33.9 | Argentina
      11 |     25 |       27 | Romelu    | Lukaku    | M        | 1993-05-13 |       250000 |            85.1897 |             34 | Belgium
      12 |     25 |       27 | David     | de Gea    | G        | 1990-11-07 |       200000 |            88.5764 |           35.1 | Spain
      13 |     23 |       27 | Mo        | Salah     | F        | 1992-06-15 |       200000 |            82.2765 |           36.2 | Egypt
      14 |     24 |       27 | Riyad     | Mahrez    | M        | 1991-02-21 |       200000 |            55.1908 |           24.3 | Algeria
      15 |     23 |       27 | Virgil    | Van Dijk  | D        | 1991-07-08 |       180000 |            87.6345 |           37.4 | Netherlands
      16 |     24 |       27 | David     | Silva     | M        | 1986-01-08 |       250000 |            79.6723 |           30.5 | Spain
      17 |     22 |       27 | Jamie     | Vardy     | F        | 1987-01-11 |        80000 |            77.1986 |           31.6 | England
      18 |     41 |       27 | Dele      | Alli      | M        | 1996-04-11 |       100000 |            75.9013 |           30.7 | England
      19 |     41 |       27 | Marcus    | Rashford  | F        | 1997-10-31 |       250000 |            79.9912 |           32.8 | England
      20 |     47 |       27 | NULL      | NULL      | NULL     | NULL       |         NULL |               NULL |           NULL | NULL
(20 rows)

This example returns aggregated wages over all combinations of two columns, position and cob:

position |     cob     |   sum   
 D        | Netherlands |  180000
 D        | [NULL]      |  180000
 F        | Argentina   |  572000
 F        | Chile       |  410000
 F        | Egypt       |  200000
 F        | England     |  580000
 F        | [NULL]      | 1762000
 G        | Spain       |  200000
 G        | [NULL]      |  200000
 M        | Algeria     |  200000
 M        | Belgium     |  250000
 M        | England     |  140000
 M        | France      |  378000
 M        | Germany     |  350000
 M        | Netherlands |  618000
 M        | Spain       |  250000
 M        | [NULL]      | 2186000
 [NULL]   | Algeria     |  200000
 [NULL]   | Argentina   |  572000
 [NULL]   | Belgium     |  250000
 [NULL]   | Chile       |  410000
 [NULL]   | Egypt       |  200000
 [NULL]   | England     |  720000
 [NULL]   | France      |  378000
 [NULL]   | Germany     |  350000
 [NULL]   | Netherlands |  798000
 [NULL]   | Spain       |  450000
 [NULL]   | [NULL]      | 4328000
 [NULL]   | [NULL]      |  [NULL]
 [NULL]   | [NULL]      |  [NULL]
 [NULL]   | [NULL]      |  [NULL]
(31 rows)

The following example groups by the cube of three grouping sets, showing how cubed results grow exponentially when multiple expressions are used in the GROUP BY CUBE clause. Note the inclusion of subtotal rows (rows with two NULL values) and a grand total row (the last row, with three NULL values). There are no completely NULL rows in this case because of the WHERE clause constraint.

premdb=# select position, weekly_wages wages, cob country, sum(matches_played) matches 
from player 
where wages is not null
group by cube(position, wages, country) 
order by 1, 2, 3; 
position | wages  |   country   | matches 
 D        | 180000 | Netherlands |    37.4
 D        | 180000 | [NULL]      |    37.4
 D        | [NULL] | Netherlands |    37.4
 D        | [NULL] | [NULL]      |    37.4
 F        |  80000 | England     |    31.6
 F        |  80000 | [NULL]      |    31.6
 F        | 200000 | Egypt       |    36.2
 F        | 200000 | [NULL]      |    36.2
 F        | 220000 | Argentina   |    33.9
 F        | 220000 | [NULL]      |    33.9
 F        | 250000 | England     |    68.9
 F        | 250000 | [NULL]      |    68.9
 F        | 352000 | Argentina   |    26.6
 F        | 352000 | [NULL]      |    26.6
 F        | 410000 | Chile       |    31.5
 F        | 410000 | [NULL]      |    31.5
 F        | [NULL] | Argentina   |    60.5
 F        | [NULL] | Chile       |    31.5
 F        | [NULL] | Egypt       |    36.2
 F        | [NULL] | England     |   100.5
 F        | [NULL] | [NULL]      |   228.7
 G        | 200000 | Spain       |    35.1
 G        | 200000 | [NULL]      |    35.1
 G        | [NULL] | Spain       |    35.1
 G        | [NULL] | [NULL]      |    35.1
 M        |  40000 | England     |    31.2
 M        |  40000 | [NULL]      |    31.2
 M        | 100000 | England     |    30.7
 M        | 100000 | [NULL]      |    30.7
 M        | 200000 | Algeria     |    24.3
 M        | 200000 | Netherlands |    36.8
 M        | 200000 | [NULL]      |    61.1
 M        | 250000 | Belgium     |      34
 M        | 250000 | Spain       |    30.5
 M        | 250000 | [NULL]      |    64.5
 M        | 350000 | Germany     |    32.7
 M        | 350000 | [NULL]      |    32.7
 M        | 378000 | France      |    29.4
 M        | 378000 | [NULL]      |    29.4
 M        | 418000 | Netherlands |    35.3
 M        | 418000 | [NULL]      |    35.3
 M        | [NULL] | Algeria     |    24.3
 M        | [NULL] | Belgium     |      34
 M        | [NULL] | England     |    61.9
 M        | [NULL] | France      |    29.4
 M        | [NULL] | Germany     |    32.7
 M        | [NULL] | Netherlands |    72.1
 M        | [NULL] | Spain       |    30.5
 M        | [NULL] | [NULL]      |   284.9
 [NULL]   |  40000 | England     |    31.2
 [NULL]   |  40000 | [NULL]      |    31.2
 [NULL]   |  80000 | England     |    31.6
 [NULL]   |  80000 | [NULL]      |    31.6
 [NULL]   | 100000 | England     |    30.7
 [NULL]   | 100000 | [NULL]      |    30.7
 [NULL]   | 180000 | Netherlands |    37.4
 [NULL]   | 180000 | [NULL]      |    37.4
 [NULL]   | 200000 | Algeria     |    24.3
 [NULL]   | 200000 | Egypt       |    36.2
 [NULL]   | 200000 | Netherlands |    36.8
 [NULL]   | 200000 | Spain       |    35.1
 [NULL]   | 200000 | [NULL]      |   132.4
 [NULL]   | 220000 | Argentina   |    33.9
 [NULL]   | 220000 | [NULL]      |    33.9
 [NULL]   | 250000 | Belgium     |      34
 [NULL]   | 250000 | England     |    68.9
 [NULL]   | 250000 | Spain       |    30.5
 [NULL]   | 250000 | [NULL]      |   133.4
 [NULL]   | 350000 | Germany     |    32.7
 [NULL]   | 350000 | [NULL]      |    32.7
 [NULL]   | 352000 | Argentina   |    26.6
 [NULL]   | 352000 | [NULL]      |    26.6
 [NULL]   | 378000 | France      |    29.4
 [NULL]   | 378000 | [NULL]      |    29.4
 [NULL]   | 410000 | Chile       |    31.5
 [NULL]   | 410000 | [NULL]      |    31.5
 [NULL]   | 418000 | Netherlands |    35.3
 [NULL]   | 418000 | [NULL]      |    35.3
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Algeria     |    24.3
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Argentina   |    60.5
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Belgium     |      34
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Chile       |    31.5
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Egypt       |    36.2
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | England     |   162.4
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | France      |    29.4
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Germany     |    32.7
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Netherlands |   109.5
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | Spain       |    65.6
 [NULL]   | [NULL] | [NULL]      |   586.1
(89 rows)