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This system view returns state information about each compute cluster in the current instance. See compute clusters for more information on the role of compute clusters, the lifecycle of cluster nodes and the meaning of the values below.

If a compute cluster's state is SUSPENDED, the various node counts will be null.

Column NameData TypeDescription
cluster_iduuidUUID for the cluster.
cluster_namenameUnique name of the cluster.
nodessmallintNumber of nodes requested for the cluster.
prepared_nodesbigintThe number of cluster nodes we have received from the cloud provider.
configured_nodesbigintThe number of cluster nodes that have the database software pod and image.
ready_nodesbigintNumber of cluster nodes with the database software starting up.
ready_workersbigintNumber of cluster nodes that have started the software and are ready to execute queries.
default_wlm_profile_namenameName of the default WLM profile that was defined for the cluster.
active_wlm_profile_namevarchar(64000)Name of the active WLM profile currently assigned to the cluster.
hardware_instance_type_iduuidUUID for the hardware instance type selected for the cluster.
hardware_instance_namevarchar(256)Name of the hardware instance type selected for the cluster: small-v1 or large-v1.
is_default_clusterbooleanWhether this cluster is the default cluster. See Default and System Clusters.
is_system_clusterbooleanWhether this cluster is the system cluster. See Default and System Clusters.
auto_suspendintegerAuto-suspend timeout, in seconds. 0 means that auto-suspend is disabled (as for the default cluster).
auto_resumebooleanWhether this cluster resumes automatically when a query or some other operation attempts to use it.
max_spill_pctintegerMaximum percentage of total disk that can be used for spill space.
max_cache_pctintegerMaximum percentage of total disk that can be used for the object store cache.
typetextAlways COMPUTE (virtual compute cluster).
statetextCluster state: CREATING, RUNNING, SUSPENDED.


Show the number of nodes we've requested but not yet received from the cloud provider. This can show lack of free nodes in a certain availability zone, or account quota issues:

SELECT cluster_name, nodes - prepared_nodes from sys.cluster;